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Wellness Policy

Wellness Policy

Click here for a printable PDF file of the Wellness Policy Summary.

Click here to read the full Wellness Policy.

School Districts that participate in the Free and Reduced Lunch Program are required to have Local Wellness Policies under the USDA Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. This provision requires school districts to report wellness events and activities annually and report progress toward meeting wellness goals every three years. The results of these reports will be shared with the Board of Education and the school community and will be posted on the District’s website.

The Wellness Committee:

  • Helps the District implement and evaluate the Wellness Policy.
  • Plans District wellness events and programs.
  • Coordinates efforts in the District to create a healthy environment.

The District is recruiting staff, parents, community members, and students to join the Wellness Committee. Contact Amy Langworthy, Superintendent at

2024-2025 District Wellness Goals

  • Emphasize the role of healthful eating and physical activity for overall health and wellness.
  • Provide a school environment that ensures opportunities for all students to practice healthy behaviors throughout the school day.
  • Promote nutrition education activities that involve parents, students, and the community throughout the school year.
  • Promote community-based wellness activities and opportunities.
  • Incorporate nutrition education at each grade level, K-12 increasing opportunities for students to practice nutrition related skills.
  • Promote healthy food and beverage choices for all students and encourage participation in school meal programs, while minimizing commercial distractions.
  • Provide opportunities for every student to participate in physical education, physical activity before, during and afterschool in an effort to comply with the recommendation that children and adolescents participate in at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day.

Guidance for Foods and Beverages Sold During the School Day

Free and Reduced Meal Program Applications for participation will be sent home to all families at the beginning of the school year, provided at open houses, and available on the District’s website.

  • Students will be asked for their feedback on the school meals.
  • Ensure that all students have a lunch period and proving all students it adequate time to eat; 10 minutes for breakfast and 20 minutes for lunch.
  • Menus are posted on the District website, sent home monthly with elementary students, and are available at registers in the Jr./Sr. High School. Copies can also be requested from the front office at all schools.
  • All foods, beverages, and snacks sold or marketed during the school day* by the school or school affiliates, such as booster clubs, will meet the USDA Smart Snack Standards.

Nutrition Standards for All Foods Sold in School

School Celebrations and Rewards

  • The foods and beverages served to students during the school day (e.g., classroom parties, classroom snacks brought by parents, or other foods given as incentives) will encourage balance of healthy items offered to students.
  • Ideas for school celebrations and rewards can be found on the handout entitled Healthy Food and Beverages Ideas for Classroom Celebrations and Snacks.
  • Staff are strongly discouraged from using food rewards and are encouraged to utilize non-food activities and rewards, such as physical activity, whenever possible

Physical Education and Physical Activity

  • All students in grades K-12 are required to take physical education.
  • Activities and equipment can be adapted to meet the needs of students who are temporarily or permanently unable to participate in their scheduled physical education class.
  • Elementary students will be offered a minimum of 20 minutes of recess daily.
  • Physical activity, including recess, will not be withheld as punishment unless the student is a danger to himself of others nor will it be canceled for instructional make uptime.
  • The District strongly encourages that physical activity be used as a reward, whenever feasible.
  • Classroom lessons, K-12, are encouraged to use a kinesthetic (movement) learning approach to allow students to move throughout class periods.
  • It is strongly encouraged that physical activity breaks be incorporated throughout the school day for grades K-5.
  • Interscholastic sports, physical activity clubs and intramurals shall be available to all students

Sun Safety

  • The District will support sun safety behaviors in students; provide environmental supports to avoid overexposure to the sun when students are outdoors; and provide key sun safety education; and communication with students and families.
  • Students will be allowed and encouraged to wear articles of sun-protective clothing including hats and sunglasses when outdoors.
  • Students can carry and use topical, over-the-counter sunscreen products approved by the USDA with written permission and be allowed time to apply.
  • Sunscreen cannot be shared with other students.

Fundraising, Concession, and Vending

  • The District encourages healthy fundraising options be researched and considered.
  • All foods and beverages sold during the school day* as fundraisers, (including school stores, candy sales or vending machines, or by outside organizations) must comply with the USDA Healthy, Hunger- Free Kids Acts “Smart Snacks in Schools” standards.
  • Foods and Beverage that are available for sale at school-sponsored events outside the school day will offer a balance of healthy options

*School Day- the period beginning the midnight before to 30 minutes after the end of the school day.