Mission: "We educate, nurture, and empower students within a safe and supportive environment to become respectful and successful citizens of the global community."
Warrensburg Central School District has an enrollment of approximately 720 students in grades K-12. The School Counseling services at Warrensburg Central focus on students' educational and vocational development, as well as their overall adjustment to the school environment. Our counselors are dedicated to creating a program that meets the diverse needs of all students.
At Warrensburg Central, we believe every individual has the right to equal opportunities, regardless of identity or background. Our services are available to all students, and we encourage them to set personal goals based on their interests and abilities. The School Counseling program is committed to providing students with the skills and knowledge needed to explore, investigate, and shape their future pathways.
Guidance and counseling are essential components of each school’s overall educational program. Designed to be developmental, they involve a sequence of activities organized and implemented by certified school counselors, with the support of teachers, administrators, student services staff, students, parents, and other support personnel. The school counseling and guidance plan plays a key role in the total instructional program, ensuring that all students have the greatest opportunity for growth and development. This plan is designed to meet the needs of all students by helping them gain a better understanding of themselves and others through the following content areas:
Academic Achievement
Career Development
Social/Personal Development
New York State Education Law requires the Warrensburg Central School District to develop district-wide and building-level comprehensive developmental school counseling guidance plans and to post these plans on the district website. Click here to read our full School Counseling and Guidance Plan.
Click here to view our counseling center at the Jr/Sr High School.
Click here to view our counseling center at the Elementary School.
Is your housing uncertain? Please click here to learn more about the services that you can access with the Warrensburg Central School District.
If you suspect a child is being abused or maltreated (neglected), report it by calling 1-800-342-3720, a toll-free 24-hour hotline operated by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services. If you believe a child is in immediate danger, call 911 or your local police department. Information about reporting child abuse and maltreatment (neglect) is available online here.
Contact Us
Ronda Morris, School Counselor Grades K-6 Elementary School
email: morrisr@wcsd.org
phone: 518-623-9747 Ext 213
Kathryn Fisher, Social Worker Elementary School
email: fisherk@wcsd.org
phone: 518-623-9747 Ext 211
Tyler McKernon, School Psychologist Elementary School
email: mckernont@wcsd.org
phone: 518-623-9747 Ext 114
Sarah C. Landers, School Counselor Grades 10-12 Jr. Sr. High School
email: landerss@wcsd.org
phone: 518-623-2861 Ext 219
Jessica Mossing, School Counselor Grades 7-9 Jr./Sr. High School
email: mossingj@wcsd.org
phone: 518-623-2861 Ext 220
John Friauf, Social Worker Jr./Sr. High School
email: friaufj@wcsd.org
phone: 518-623-2861 Ext 234
Christopher Herbst, School Psychologist Jr./Sr. High School
email: herbstc@wcsd.org
phone: 518-623-2861 Ext 233
Ennea LaBar, Counseling Center Secretary Jr./Sr. High School
email: labaren@wcsd.org
phone: 518-623-2861 Ext 227
Quinn, Therapy Dog