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Business Office

The Business Office oversees a range of responsibilities, from staff benefits to Board of Education elections. The staff manages tax collection, financial reporting, human resource services, and FOIA requests.

School tax checks should be submitted to the Business Office. You can either mail your check to 103 Schroon River Road, Warrensburg, NY 12885, Attn: Nichole Carlozzi, Collector, or drop it off in the drop box outside the Jr/Sr High School, located at the same address. Look up your property here. Your tax bill will be mailed in September. 

2024-2025 School Budget

On Tuesday, May 21, Warrensburg Central School District residents approved a $23,737,745 budget for the 2024-2025 academic year. This is a 3.34% increase in budget from the 2023-24 school year. The budget reflects a 2% tax levy increase, which falls within the allowable local tax cap limit. 

Past School Year Budgets

Annual Budget Vote and School Board Election Timeline

Under New York law the school budget vote and election occurs on the third Tuesday in May unless a district files a request with the commissioner of education to move the date to the second Tuesday in May based upon a conflict with a religious observance. The business office works year-round on developing the budget proposal for the upcoming school year. View important dates to note for the upcoming school budget vote and Board of Education election.

School Property Tax

School tax checks should be submitted to the business office. Checks should be sent to 103 Schroon River Rd. Warrensburg, NY 12885 Attn: Tax Collector.

Important Dates

  • Payments sent out: Sept 1
  • Payments accepted: Sept 1 - Sept 30, Oct 1 - Oct 31 (with 2% fee), first few days in November (with 3% fee, dates adjusted year-to-year)

Online Payments

You can pay your school property tax online. Please visit Info-Tax Online and follow the below instructions.

  • Scroll down and select "Warrensburg CSD"Only enter ONE (1) of the search terms! 
    • Ex: Owner Name: Doe OR Ex: Street Number: 111 OR Ex: Property Location: Schroon River Rd. OR Ex: Tax Map #: 211.10 -1-11 OR Ex: Tax Bill #: 555
  • When payments are LIVE (September 1 - Closing in November), a gray button will be at the bottom of the page that will redirect you to a payment source that has been approved by the Districts Board for online payments. 

STAR Program

Homeowners who meet certain eligibility requirements through the New York State School Tax Relief Program (STAR) can have a portion of their home’s assessed value exempt from school property taxes. Learn more about the STAR program here.

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests

The basic function of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is to ensure informed citizens, vital to the functioning of a democratic society. Business Manager Jennifer Switzer is our FOIA officer. FOIA requests can be submitted to her at

Voting Information


To be eligible to vote, residents must live in the school district for at least 30 days prior to the May 21 election, be at least 18 years of age and be a citizen of the United States. Residents may register to vote prior to voting on May 21 in. the Warrensburg Jr/Sr High School Gym.

Early Mail Ballots

Application Process: Applications for early mail ballots must be made at the Office of the District Clerk. This Early Mail Ballot Application can be filled out and sent to: or call (518)623-2861 x228 to initiate the process.

Availability of Ballot Issuance List: A list of all persons to whom early mail ballots have been issued will be available in the Office of the Clerk on each of the five days prior to the day of elections, except Saturday. Sunday, or holidays.

Deadline: The application for an early mail ballot must be received by the District Clerk at least seven (7) days before the election if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter.

Eligibility: Residents who are qualified voters of the School District are eligible to apply for an Early Mail Ballot.

Posting of List: The list of persons issued with early mail ballots will also be posted at the polling place on the day of the Annual Elections and Budget Vote.

Mail-in and Absentee Ballots

The district will provide mail-in and absentee ballots if requested by any qualified voter, and will provide absentee ballots for those previously identified on the county list. The New York Early Mail Voter Act allows registered voters to request a mail-in ballot. You can request an early voter ballot in person up to the day of the election.