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A Message From the Director of Pupil Personnel Services
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Our Department of Pupil Personnel Services helps to ensure that Warrensburg students are provided with special education services that are consistent with New York State Department of Education regulations. These services are available to any student with a mental, physical, or emotional impairment that affects their educational performance. Please use this page to find out more about the programs we offer.
Parents, teachers, and staff play an active role in the planning and implementation of the educational program for students with disabilities. The Department of Pupil Personal Services is committed to working with every student and their network of support to find individualized solutions. Students are served in the following areas:
The education of your child, through access to appropriate programs and services, is our highest priority. You are encouraged to contact our office if you have any questions or concerns regarding the individual needs of your child. We are available to assist in any way necessary.
Christian Bruce
Director of Pupil Personnel Services
Services Provided
The Warrensburg Central School District is dedicated to meeting the individual learning needs of each child through a rigorous and differentiated academic program. However, some students may require additional support to meet the New York State Learning Standards in subjects such as English language arts, mathematics, science, or social studies. To address this, the District provides targeted academic support through a collaborative process designed to help students succeed. Click here to read our full Multi-Tiered System of Supports plan.
Categories of Disabilities
A student with a disability is defined in Section 4401(1) of the Education Law as a student who has not yet reached the age of 21 before September 1st, is entitled to attend public schools under Section 3202 of the Education Law, and has been identified as having a disability due to mental, physical, or emotional reasons. These students require special services and programs approved by the Department. Part 200 Regulations govern special education. Click here to see the categories of disability.
English as a New Language
English as a New Language (ENL) is an instructional program designed for students whose primary language is not English. The goal of the program is to improve the English language proficiency of eligible students, enabling them to meet academic standards and succeed in the classroom. Click here for more information on how to see if you meet the qualifications.
Housing Insecurity
If a Warrensburg family has been evicted, is living at a temporary address, staying with friends or family, or residing in a motel, their children retain important school rights. Similarly, if an older student has left home and is staying with friends or anyone who is not their legal guardian, they also have important school rights. These rights include the ability to continue attending school at Warrensburg, even if they are temporarily living outside the district.
Medicaid School-Based Services
The Federal Medicaid program acknowledges the importance of school-based health services in providing essential medical care to eligible children. It allows states to use their Medicaid programs to help cover the cost of certain health services provided to children in the school setting. Click here to learn more about the program.
Pre-School Special Education Services
The Special Education Preschool Program is a federally mandated and funded service. Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), a range of educational opportunities is available to children with moderate to severe disabilities who are three or four years old. The program is managed by the Warrensburg Central School District, with financial support from Warren County. The district does not operate or supervise any preschool special education programs or services. Children are served at various county-approved private agency sites in the area, or through home- and community-based programs. Warren County arranges transportation through private providers. Learn more about the program here.
Title I Funding
Title 1 funds may serve a variety of students, including migrant students, students with limited English proficiency, unhoused students, students with disabilities, neglected students, delinquent students, at-risk students, or any student in need. Students may be classified as at-risk for various reasons, such as frequent absences, being from single-parent homes, low academic performance, or coming from low-income families. Learn more about Title 1 Funding here.
Services for High School Students School-to-Work Transition
Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)
The goal of the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) is to provide students with a safe and supportive learning environment that is free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment, and bullying. Some of the law requirements include: establishing anti-harassment and discrimination policies, creating school training programs, and including a course in civility, citizenship, and character education in the curriculum for every grade level. Click here to view the policies and processes for reporting harassment, bullying, and discrimination.
Each school in the district has a coordinator who has been trained to respond to issues related to DASA. The coordinators are:
District: Christian Bruce, Director of Pupil Personnel Services
Elementary School: Keith LaLone, Elementary School Principal
Jr/Sr High School: Jeff Holcomb, Jr/Sr High School Principal
Title IX
It is the policy of the Warrensburg Central School District to provide a learning and working environment that is safe, welcoming, and free from discrimination on the basis of sex. Title IX requires the school district not to discriminate. View the district’s full harassment and non-discrimination policy here. Reports of sexual harassment can be made at any time, including during non-business hours using the telephone number or e-mail address, or by mailing to the office address listed the for the Title IX Coordinator:
Christian Bruce, Director of Pupil Personnel Services
Phone: 518-623-9747
In compliance with section 106.45 of Title IX, we have included a link to all materials used to train Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process in Title IX compliance and practices for the district. View training materials here.
Procedural Safeguards
The Procedural Safeguards Notice: Rights for Parents of Children with Disabilities is provided to parents of a student with a disability at a minimum of one time per year. Our office mails a copy home with the invitation to your student's Annual Review meeting; however, we have included the link for your reference, should you need it. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Director of Pupil Personnel Services.
Contact Us
Christian Bruce, Director of Pupil Personnel Services
Phone: (518) 623-9747 Ext. 143
Michele Olden, Secretary to the Director of Pupil Personnel Services
Phone: (518) 623-9747 Ext. 143
Tyler McKernon, School Psychologist, 504 Chair (Elementary School)
Phone: (518) 623-9747 x114
Christopher Herbst, School Psychologist, 504 Chair (Jr/Sr High School)
Phone: (518) 623-2861 x233