WCSD Capital Project Update
In October 2022, the Warrensburg Central School District voters approved a capital project aimed at enhancing the learning spaces in our schools, preparing students to enter the workforce, and addressing critical infrastructure needs, such as replacing the boilers at the high school and fuel tanks at both buildings, in addition to updating the high school parking lot to increase safety and improve traffic flow.
After receiving approval from the New York State Education Department, we are able to begin construction. To combat any inconveniences that may occur as construction gets underway, our district team will be meeting every two weeks with our architectural firm and construction management firm, along with on-site contractors, to discuss progress and address any issues. We will keep the community informed in advance of upcoming work, and update on progress as we begin.
The first phase of the project will address science classrooms in the High School. The construction period will involve relocating some classrooms to other locations for the remainder of the school year. Our team has arranged workarounds for the affected classroom so education is not disrupted. Work on the Bus Garage, Maintenance Building, and the Elementary Building is expected to begin in the spring and early summer.
Our goal is to have the work completed to the greatest extent possible by September 2025. As we move forward, we will provide you with updates on the status of our projects. Below are the highlights you can look forward to when the project is completed.
Upcoming Improvements
- Five modern, renovated science classrooms
- An updated space for our own Career and Technical Education (CTE) program for construction trades
- Improvements to the Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) classroom
- Addition of graphic arts labs
- A collaboration space featuring an area for Esports
- Installation of new boilers to replace inefficient, old units
- Replacement of flooring and updated fire alarm systems in the bus garage
- Reformatting the high school parking lot to enhance safety, add a new drop-off spot, and reduce congestion and improve traffic flow
- Replacing fuel tanks at both buildings