October PRIDE Celebrates "Creativity"
We are proud to recognize our staff and students at Warrensburg Elementary who were honored at our October P.R.I.D.E. Assembly! This month, we celebrated the theme of "Creativity."
Creative individuals have a unique perspective on the world. They are open to new experiences and possess an imaginative, independent thought process. Creativity enables us to tackle seemingly impossible problems and to create things we never knew we needed.
Warrensburg Elementary is part of The Positivity Project (P2), a movement aimed at empowering students to understand and apply character strengths in their lives. Each month, we focus on a different character strength and base our P.R.I.D.E. Assembly around that trait.
For the full list of character strengths and to learn how they are incorporated into our school day, please visit our Elementary Counseling Services webpage and The Positivity Project webpage.